Monday, February 23, 2009

More Larkin than Whitman...

On the list of things I should really be dealing with right now are the following: my taxes (so I can file for FAFSA and thus take some of the strain off my pocketbook right now), file for FAFSA, get car insurance (mine is gone at the end of this week), pin-point what it is that I'd like to discuss on the aforementioned bibliographical essay (proposal due Friday--I've narrowed it down to Walt Whitman, which is decidedly not narrow enough), figure out exactly how much I need in order to move out as quickly as is humanly possible. This is all in an effort to say that I probably should not have spent essentially every evening last week talking to a fellow well into the past-my-bedtime-hour. And yet, that is exactly what I did.

It's just that he's exceedingly distracting. This is both fantastic and, as the above-outline list suggests, not the world's best way to spend my time this week. Also, it's hideously confusing. While I knew him briefly while at school, I did not spend any significant amount of time talking to him there (mostly because I was dating Walt at the time and he had a habit of getting unnecessarily jealous of non-mutual male friends.) Fast-forward to last weekend. While staying with Laurel for her birthday, we all hung out and everything just clicked. We wound up staying up well after everyone else had left or gone to sleep, just talking (well, ok--not just talking.) I won't go into the details because, frankly, if you tell too many people I thing like this it becomes less and less special.

So here we are. We've talked pretty much everyday since I left Laurel's and he mentioned coming to visit me at some point. I'm certainly open to going back down there to see him. But to what end? I'd really love to go with the flow on this one and see where (in anywhere) it takes us, but I'm a to-do list kind of girl. When I travel, I make packing lists. I have musical playlists for most occasions (with tentative ones in my notebook that I have not perfected yet.)Lists of books to read and songs to download. I have a list of movies I have yet to add to my Netflix queue. If there is a way to organize a task into a series of cross-offable steps, I will. I will also probably write it down along the way. If I finish something that isn't on my list, I will include it only for the purposes of immediately checking it off. I'm not good at "wait and see." Granted, I probably would not be asking these questions were not it not for the distance. The distance makes this an undertaking.

I don't know, I suppose I'll wait and see.

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