Thursday, August 7, 2008

He wasn't even a fun drunk...

Almost directly before starting this experiment in actually keeping and up-to-date record of my goings-on, I stumbled upon the intricately detailed online journal of an ex-boyfriend's (possible) ex-girlfriend. The ex was wholly unremarkable, save for introducing me to the nuanced genius of Bruce Springsteen (something I actively fought, mind you, not particularly caring for the "Dancing in the Dark" phase of the Boss's career.) We dated from my junior year of high school to the end of my first year of college. We suffered, not at all surprisingly, from a total lack of compatibility and I can't remember now what worked well enough that we stuck it out as long as we did. I suppose that's how it goes with high school boyfriends. The end, and the little bit of unwashed history that followed directly, was not my proudest moment and somewhere in there (or before, this was never clear) he started dating her.

When I spoke to him some time a little less than two years ago, he'd broken up with her on account of her perceived insanity. He was also going through considerable family problems, though the two were unrelated. I felt for the kid (despite how little I felt for him in general) and thought he might finally be able to get out of the rut he'd been in as long as I'd known him. Such, apparent in her diary, is not the case.

I don't know that my entire life is together. I only just started my first big-girl job, I'm still at home and all the plans I've made for myself since starting college have not, yet anyhow, come to fruition. But I felt bad for this girl. She always, despite my general distaste for her while I was still with the aforementioned ex (she would call at 2 am asking him to come kill a bug in her dorm. It seemed suspect then and still does now) seemed smart. I can't remember what she looked like but she wasn't unattractive by any stretch of the imagination. She was a good photographer when we were in high school. How does their relationship still hinder her so much? I just can't fathom it. I can't imagine getting so worked up over someone like that.

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