Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January Evaluation: 4.5 out of 13

Instead of waiting until the end of the year to look over my failings and because I am nothing but a perpetual list-maker, I've decided to reexamine my goals for the year on a month-to-month basis and modify them as needed:

1. Institute actual workout regime.

I have a pattern and I tend to work from the top of my head down, does this count?

2. Write more.

This morning on the metro, I wrote a poem about scraping ice off the car. Let's see now much I can kill it between the mokeskine and the computer. In an effort to have something to read for Dave's open mic (at which I ultimately failed) I undid a few poems left from Lou's classes. I've been trying to de-Lou my work now that I have seen a disturbing pattern emerge in the stuff I did as an undergrad. More on that later.

3. Become the kind of woman who can pull off red lipstick and Chanel No.5 without seeming like a possibly trashy septuagenarian.

Sephora was out of Chanel No. 5. I bought Chance instead. Still Chanel, still classy. Scrapped the red lipstick thing. My eyes are more interesting than my mouth. I'll focus on them.

4. Be irrepressibly scholarly.
My Friday night plans this week involve the MLA Literary Research Guide and a stint in Fenwick Library. Despite Mason closing on account of snow and canceling my second class in a row (we still have not actually met yet), the professor did send out our first problem set and ask that we read "The Secret Sharer" and Death and the King's Horseman (which I can't manage to finish and highly recommend, respectively). I think I'm going to spend a good deal of time this semester talking about the Other. I guess it's good I paid attention that day in Lit let's just hope the prof. doesn't bring up Bakhtin.

5. Only buy clothing that makes me want to dance. So far, so good. Clearing out my closet also helps. Although, I have noticed that I'm pretty much left with shades of green, purple, and black. I'm going to call this a style, not a rut.

6. Travel abroad at least once. This, I think, will be the thing that doesn't get done.

7. Do well at Mason.
I'll let you know if we ever have class.

8. Save money for a spiffy new computer.
Must fill out FAFSA.

9. Develop charming idiosyncrasies that amuse people at parties.
As this requires going to parties, I have no idea if and when I will accomplish it.

10. Generally carry myself like a brave, little toaster.

I will also let you know if this ever happens.

11. Find the perfect little black dress. I do not own a little (or big for that matter) black dress. This is a travesty and must be remedied.
I have not actively looked.

12. Get organized. My bookshelf is in disarray and my closet is full of clothing that goes unworn. It's giving me hives.

Bookshelf is still a wreak (and I am pretty sure it ate my C.K. Williams and Andrew Hudgins.) But as noted above, the closet is in working order for the moment. Now if only I could find a place for all my shoes.

13. Be admired from afar .
I'm giving up on this. There is really no way to know if you're being admired from afar unless you receive repeated Missed Connections on Craigslist that you can verify are you and not just another nondescript brown-haired girl on the Metro in a black coat (it's a town full of black coats). Really, what I meant to say is that I'd like to avoid an actual relationship for the time being as they only end in disappointment. However, I could easily be convinced to make out with thoroughly inappropriate, albeit irrepressibly handsome, men if given the option. This will be the first Valentine's Day since I was 16 that I will not have a built-in date. And while the prospect of spending it alone in my room with my Netflix queue is not especially comforting, I've decided it's better than being in a relationship. Also, I don't think I want to go to Kim and Vince's party. I like them, but that place is loaded with bad vibes now. I'll go back later. After I have accomplished my new goal.

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