Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We just come this way

Saturday was Ian's wedding so naturally Kora stayed with us to give her newly official-entwined parents some much needed alone time. She had about three pounds of icing at the reception as she spent a good part of the afternoon methodically de-icing each piece of cake in her vicinity and dipping butter cream covered fingers in sugar. Because of this she was pinging well into the evening.

The next day, while we were getting ready to hand her off to Jen's sister, she decided to take all of Bagel's stuffed toys out of her crate and play with them. The only problem is that puppies and toddlers do no play the same way and Bagel was in no mood for frivolity. Kora proceed to take the stuffed rat (from IKEA and one of Bager-meister's favorites) and carry it around the house. It was funny until it was time to head out and Kora did not want to part with the rodent.

A fit of sorts insued. Kora calmed down when I asked her want she was going to do at Aunt Kristen's. She started jabbering, quickly stopped, and asked if we could relocate our dicussion to the bathroom because it was secret. It was not especially secret and relocating the the bathroom meant walking through the door in front of which we had been standing. All the same, it's proof posivite that girls are not trained so much a spring forth like some glitter obssessed Athena, fully formed and desirous of new shoes.

...She also asked for clothes for her birthday.

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