Thursday, August 13, 2009

This is worse than "Love Story"

Dear Taylor Swift,
This video promotes the stalking of innocent hunky football player types. What did the hunky football player types ever do to you?

The video opens with you watching someone else through their window. 1) That's a pretty slim patch of land between you and your neighbor so I can only assume you live in a magical land without zoning laws and 2) it isn't ok to read your neighbors lips through his bedroom window and infer that you can be his shoulder to cry on. Again, if you can read each others' writing, your houses are far too close and your parents should move.

"She wears short skirts. I wear tee shirts." Those are not mutually exclusive sartorial choices. Frequently in high school, I wore both short skirts and tee shirts. At the same time. It was like magic and you're an idiot.

"Standing right here, waiting at your back door. All this time how could you not know you belong with me?" I hope this this guy doesn't have a bunny or this could get heated.

Who keeps a bridal/prom gown just lying around in case hunky football player asks you to the prom...the night of the dance? Granted, I have outfits planned for occasions that don't exist yet, but they do not include the un-ironic use of tulle. Have some pride dear. And take off those glasses. American Apparel models wouldn't even wear those.

Also, when a girl in a music video is an evil boyfriend stealer, why does she have to have brown straight hair? See exhibit A and exhibit B. We, speaking for brown, straight-haired girls everywhere--we're a friendly accommodating bunch and not likely to go man-stealing just for the fun of it. I promise. I've never knowingly stolen someone else's fella. Honest.

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