Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh for fuck's sake...

Tonight was my presentation and despite running over (only by five minutes this time), I probably did an ok job of it. Zach and I were fairly prepared, the presentation did not include any obvious typos, the fonts and pictures showed up properly and all the links worked.

But I did fuck up. Somewhere between the Structuralists and Reader-response, the two girls who sit in the very center of the back row (or two rows in the arena style class) started furiously scribbling notes to each other. Completely distracted and made exceedingly nervous by this, I lost my place in my notes and brain. I royally screwed up my Reader-response slide and lost about a minute and a half (in the 15 minutes I had) in the process. I could have done one of two things:

1. call them out in the middle of the presentation, regain myself and go on.
2. get completely flustered and fumble until Critical Race Studies and actively avoid looking straight on for the rest of the presentation.

I picked 2. Maybe I should have called them out. But they seem (at least one of them) to be that sort of girl and I just don't want to make enemies...knowingly. I seem to have annoyed one of them already but I'm not sure how. I'm not inclined to try and figure it out either. Any time she deigns to speak to me, it's as an accusation. It's as if that's the only way she knows to phrase a response. It's exceedingly unnerving and she's really good at it. Sometimes, I really wish there were fewer women in my life. At least fewer of this particular kind. The royal Cunt.

Now I can't sleep because I just keep replaying that part of the presentation. I have a feeling that when it comes to it, that's where I'm losing points.


Geans said...

Oh no!

There's always the chance that your professor noticed it, too, and might take the bitchfaces into account. Sadly, calling out peers is not really something you can do.

Rick Snee said...

The only option you have is #3: revenge.

Kill something that she loves.