Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ok, scratch that. Reverse.

Last night, on a corner in D.C., standing in front of a mobile curry stand, I met a person I only know through Facebook. It should be the other way around, shouldn't it?

Sometimes I think this contact degree-removal we encounter as a result of being inundated with electronic means of communication (and constantly choosing those safe encounters over the messy, physical in-person ones) will kill us before we run out of oil. Or it'll turn into Demolition Man and we'll only have sex through headsets. That will also kill us off.

(on a tangentially related note, I had been worried that my habit of only picking what I deem to be the most attractive pictures of me for my fb profile was giving the Internet a warped vision of what I actually look like. Apparently, I do look like that. Or enough like that that I can pass for facebook me.)

Now to finish this paper and figure out what I'll read on my break. Eco? Borges? I could go for a little PoMo.

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