Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I wonder if she knows there ar pills in her cheese

I took my dog to the vet this weekend for what I assumed was a routine check-up/rabies re-vaccination. As it turns out, she may have Lyme disease. I say may because it's possible that the positive test just indicates that she has been exposed to it (been bitten) but did not contract the full disease (requires that the tick stay attached to the dog for around 48 hours.)Rather than wait for a quantitative test to show how much exposure she's had, I elected to have her immediately put on an aggressive round of antibiotics. If it is Lyme disease, we can make it a chronic condition that won't do serious renal damage resulting in kidney failure. If she was only briefly exposed, we can get rid of it all together. After a fair amount of googling, everything my doctor explained makes sense. I just hope she doesn't have the for real kind of Lyme disease.

Perhaps I am making entirely too much of this but it's my dog. No, I did not seek her out. Yes, I actively tried to get rid of her (or rather, find her owners.)But she's my dog. All complaining about the early morning walks aside, she's my buddy. She happened along when I really needed her (for reasons I can't possibly elaborate if for no other reason than I cannot fully articulate what was going on at the time and how she factors into it. Suffice to say, she does.) And now, I've failed her on a very basic level. I could have put her on a monthly flea repellent but elected to just give her baths because I never saw fleas or ticks on her, forgetting just how small ticks can be. She's come a very long way from when I found her. If she gets legitimately sick, it's entirely my fault.

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